So You Are Hiring

President, CEO, VP, Founder, Director, Manager – What separates each of these titles?  Is it the title itself, education, years of experience?  Look around your organization and imagine that everyone is now on a level playing field – with nothing to lean on, no leverage to pull on.  Now what separates you?  Who would you choose to follow?  What would you base your decision on? If “behaviours drive actions and actions drive results”, should you not be looking deeper than the subconscious preconditions that have paved the way for your decision-making when hiring, promoting and following individuals? 

Granted, education and experience are very important and cannot be discounted when making a sound, thorough decision. However, be advised not to dismiss the combination of strengths and the ability to leverage perceived weaknesses as this is the driving force that separates good from great. 

Are You Truly Self-Aware?

When asked “what are your key strengths?”, I’m sure most can answer.  However, if asked the same question but add “how do your key strengths work together to contribute to the behaviours that have led you to your current success?”, most would pause. 

As the global reality is putting Visionary Leadership at a premium in the workplace, from top down and bottom up, leaders are being asked to connect on an interpersonal level; to connect with the feelings and personal ambitions of their team members, first as humans and then as coworkers. Astute leaders will not only recognize this but will honour and embrace this approach. 

The Onus Is On You To Make A Change

Through self-awareness and the WANT to learn, to grow, to understand, all leaders have the ability to use their strengths to build a solid organization and personal foundation. 

Organizations that have pivoted quickly have a set of values that exhibit behaviours encompassing trust, transparency, empathy and great listening skills, all of which can be identified and developed through self-awareness.  Organizations that have been able to pivot quickly have leaders who are willing to listen, adapt and communicate.  Teams are following them and executing because they believe in the message. They believe in the leadership.  In my experience, this is the key to success.

Many leaders believe they know what is required for success.  However, many are still not using principles, practices and skills that will substantially and dramatically improve not only their performance but the performance of those they are impacting on a daily basis. 

·        Behaviour is a major derailer of success

·        Organizational change requires personal change

·        Change and development starts with self-awareness

·        Self-awareness comes from accurate self-assessment

Effectiveness requires the ability to address and modify behaviour.  If you are a leader who would like to produce greater results, success and effectiveness, please reach out.  I’d love to connect –

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Tracey Gentili